Friday, May 23, 2008

A Time To Kill - John Grisham

I was goin through my old mail and came across this review i wrote on the book "A Time to kill" by John Grisham.This review was written a year back by me and incidentally this was the first book i seriously sat down and read in my life.The Review follows.........

It all began on the 25th of my first exam the next day...instead of studying i open this book "A Time to Kill" first book ever..leaves me me hooked onto reading first review..hope not my last :p An amazing book that enthralls u ..keeps u a story abt a 10 year old nigga, Tonya Carl Lee, brutally raped, attacked, man handled abused by a bunch of racist rednecks ,"whites", the rednecks get caught...the father of the gal,carl lee, cant control his anger , his pain and takes the law into his own hands and murders the 2 accused!!! he now faces the gas chambers for the murder of his child's rapists...A young lawyer , Jake Brigance, whom carl lee trusts alot fights the case for him...its a story abt how jake against all odds has to convince a jury consisting mainly of whites that carl lee,a nigga,was insane when he murdered the 2.... Durin all this his secretary is attacked, one of his employees-ellen is kidnapped,his house is burnt down and he is shot at and escapes by a whisker.In general the whole town of clatton in ford country is under aggression and seize from the blacks as well as a group of crazy whites called the klans (radical whites known for there hatred towards the blacks)....jake has to fight all odds to win this case.initially everything from the jury to the witnesses to the evidence to the circumstances in and around ford country all go against him.people rite him off and everybody is pretty sure that he is gonna loose the case.But he proves his mental strength as well as skills as a lawyer and wins a case which had everybody all over the country-(the biggest event ever to happen in clatton) totally hooked onto..the biggest name sin print and electronic media covered it 24/7 .... jake brigance just amazes everybody by winning a case that he could do nothing but loose.... john grisham does an awesome job in potraying the characters especially that of jake brigance..leaves u totally engrossed in the story..the setting of ford country further mystifies the story....leaves u breathless!!! a story to be read by one and all...

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