Monday, May 12, 2008

Magic of Criss Angel Explained -Does he actually fly????

Criss Angel is the star and creator of the A&E Network show Criss Angel Mindfreak. Seasons 1 and 2 were filmed at the The Aladdin in Las Vegas, with Season 3 at the Luxor Hotel. Premiering on July 20, 2005, the illusions have included walking on water, levitating above the Luxor Hotel, floating between two buildings, causing a Lamborghini to disappear, surviving in an exploding C4 Crate, cutting himself in half in full view of an audience and getting run over by a steamroller while lying stomach down on a bed of glass.

In one of his recent stunts he supposedly flies in air and boasts of it being true.But there r ppl all over with theories explaining this stunt and that wad he claims is all false!Anyways enjoy the video and believe whoever u think is correct.

Levitate Between Buildings


Criss Angel stands at the edge of a tall building and holds his arms out. He begins to float, levitates over the edge of the building, and flies some distance before coming to light on another building.


Angel wears big, baggy clothes for a reason. In this case, the reason is that his body is wrapped with inner tubes that are filled with exactly enough helium to make his weight effectively zero. Because he is buoyant in the atmosphere, a little push off with the feet is enough to send Angel flying slowly through the air to his destination.

Note: This same effect was attempted in the 1930s by a German magician who made the mistakes of filling his apparatus with highly flammable hydrogen and attempting the flight while smoking. The resulting explosion was horrifically spectacular.

Note: Also, you shouldn't try this yourself because you will probably die :p


Anonymous said...

Um, no. You'd need a lot of helium to float a man. Watch your Mythbusters...

alexpapa said...

Wow, did you really copy this from here:

SupaFly said...

He sure did.

Anonymous said...

ezplain how he do it, in tight jeans without shirt on???