Monday, May 5, 2008

Indian manchuria???


Indian government sources,according to various media reports, accuse China of virtual cyber warfare saying that hacking and other intrusive methods adopted by the country, pose a real threat to India's security. According to them also China has mounted almost daily attacks on Indian websites - both private and government.

Sadly our Indian Government under the influence of the Left Allies are just tip toing the China line and not doing anything concrete about it..damn not even raising this issue up with the chinese..wads wrong with the government..first the US and now the chinese...this government likes "buttering" the wrong people/countries.The chinese on the other hand r taking it full advantage of it ...from the Torch Relay to the PM visiting Anurachal to the border issue...those losahs get away by doin anything under the sun...

Wont be soon before we become an item in their menu...Indian Manchuria?? wad say!!!!

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